Interested in bringing SIM-IA to your community? 

Fill out the form below and someone from our team will contact you. 

Please note: This form is the beginning of a conversation we will have with you to schedule a simulation that meets your needs. Nothing is set in stone based upon your submissions, and it's okay if you don't have specific answers to the questions. 

Have a question for the team? Email us

Phone type
Preferred method of contact
Organization type

Please tell us the estimated number of participants you expect at the simulation
Types of participants
Please tell us the type of participants you expect at the simulation. Please select all that apply.
Organization provider level

Please tell us the provider level of your organization. 

Please tell us more about you are looking for in your simulation, including target population, areas of education, etc. It's okay if you're not sure - our program coordinator will talk with you to develop a session that meets your needs.