Make a gift to support SIM-IA – your donation will provide training for first responders and Critical Access Hospitals across Iowa 

Simulation in Motion-Iowa (SIM-IA) is committed to ensuring that evidence-based, high-fidelity training is accessible to all first responders and Critical Access Hospitals in Iowa. 

In support of this goal, The Helmsley Charitable Trust has generously offered a $500,000 matching grant to establish the Simulation in Motion-Iowa Impact Fund. When funded, the endowment of $1,000,000 will provide approximately $50,000 annually; enough to cover almost seven full days of training for critical access hospitals or fourteen evening sessions for rural first responders in Iowa.

Please join us in sustaining this innovative program. Make your donation today and The Helmsley Charitable Trust will donate $0.75 for every dollar contributed and/or pledged up to $500,000 over the next 3 years. 

For more information, please call or text Dayna Ballantyne at 319-331-4135 or email