Map of Iowa divided into three sections, one for each SIM IA truck.
Yellow star indicates where our trucks are housed. 

SIM-IA will strategically station each truck in a different geographic area of Iowa (West, Central, and East), in order to provide more timely access to clinical simulation education with less travel for clinical providers. EMS agencies, first responders, and hospitals (including critical access hospitals) will be able to schedule simulation education events in their own communities. This ability will significantly increase the availability and access to clinical simulation education for healthcare providers throughout rural Iowa. While we are in the area, we would love to be able to visit high school health professions or science classes, provide training to local businesses and factories, as well as allow the community to tour our truck and visit with our education staff. 

Each truck is equipped with:

Patient simulators

4 high fidelity human patient simulators

1 adult male
1 adult female who can give birth
1 school-aged child
1 newborn infant

A man in a blue shirt and mask removes shrink wrap from a SIM on a table.

Ultrasound education

capabilities for trauma and maternity care


1 fully equipped emergency room bay

A woman practices giving oxygen to a simulated patient in the back of an ambulance bay. Photo courtesy of SIM-NE

task trainers

Multiple task trainers to facilitate practice of clinical skills

Video system

for analysis and debriefing of simulations


fully equipped ambulance treatment box

Photo of inside of sim truck
state of iowa icon

Serving the State of Iowa

From Ackley to Zwingle