The BLS skills station will evaluate quality of respirations: depth, retractions, symmetry, audible breath sounds, positioning, regularity, chest rise, use of accessory muscles. Learners will identify the technique of auscultation and demonstrate the ability to insert basic airway adjunct. They will demonstrate the use and handling of the LUCAS device as well as demonstrate proper techniques and instruments to control bleeding. Other BLS skills may be added to this skills station that are within the BLS scope of practice.



The ALS skills station will evaluate the demonstration of multiple ALS skill.  Learners will discuss the IO insertion procedure and contraindications. They will compare technique for intubation with or without a bougie and summarize the benefits of video laryngoscopy verse direct laryngoscopy. Intubation will be practiced as well as the “Suction Assisted Laryngoscopy Airway Decontamination” technique.  Other ALS skills may be added to this skill station that are within the BLS scope of practice.